Senin, 29 September 2008

Sepasang Mata Bola

Iyah bener..emang ngga nyambung judul diatas ama postingan gw kali ini, jadi penonton diharap maklum berhubung gilanya gw lagi kumat, jadi gw suka aja ama judul itu, padahal gw cuman mau posting Tag doank MySpace
Sebelom bener-bener hiatus gw mau nyelesein pe er dulu buat yang udah nge-tag gw. Soalnya kalo udah masuk liburan ini, gw bakalan sibuk banget berhubung awal bulan dan banyak banget laporan yang nari hula-hula depan mata gw

Here we go...


Are you pregnant? No..ya ngga lah cing MySpace
When do you want to get married? never think about it.. it will take a long time till that day kenyit
Do you curse a lot? No!
What are your favorite books? apa aja, kalo pas gw liat dan ngena dihati, i'll read it
Do you wish you were with someone right now? Yes.. someone i miss alot
Who were the last three people that sent you a text message? Si beibi, Vanny my darlin, trus ujung-ujungnya si beibi lagi sengihnampakgigi
Are you happier single or in a relationship? in a relationship
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Ha.. yep.
Do you wish someone would call you? I'm not in the right mood to talking with someone rite now
What is bugging you right now? that was... haven't i told you? jelir
What's something you wish you could understand better? my Daddy's sign for me.. i don't understand at all Daddy. At all. Ok..Ok..I'm getting mad.
If someone doesn't like you, it's usually because...? because i'm cute hahahahahaha... blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comthat is the fact that could not be change by anything *ok..ok..i'm just kidding guys, calm down.. put down that shoes*
Do you have a wild side? yes..i do
Kissed someone in the last twenty four hours? Ha.Ha.Ha. mau tauu ajaMySpace
Have you lost friends in the past year? i think so..
What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping, i'm a big fans of aurora


1) What is the most important thing in your life?

2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
hmmm... lip care gw yang baru. Wangi stroberi de.. asyik banget senyumkenyit

3) Where do you wish to get married?
in a church, it doesn't matter where the location is. Yang penting sah dan diberkati

4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
haaa.... 26 or 27 ??

5) Are you in love?

6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Gajah Mada Restaurant

7) Name the latest book that you bought?
International Economic *Sigh*

8) What is your full name?
Endless holy --> translate it into Indonesian jelir

9) Do you prefer your mother or father?
Mamah, but i love my father too..but sometimes it is... *tsah..forget it guys*

10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
Paris Hilton. I really wanna know how bitch is she? i think may be she is not as bad as people said. May be not really

11) Christina or Britney?
None of these two woman

12) Do you do your own laundry?
Yes, by hand.. BY HAND

13) The most exciting place you want to go?

14) Hugs or kisses?
a big hug

15) 8 things I am passionate about:
1. Singing. I singing anytime, anywhere *don't try this at home* loh? loh?
2. Poems.
3. Books and books.
4. Eat.
5. Sleep.
6. Blogging.
7. Chocolate.

16) 8 things I say too often:
1. Ngantuuuuuuk >.<
2. Gimana nih Bapa? kacau de
3. Ntar gw hubungin lagi ya
4. Maaph ya
5. Oh my gosh...
6. Ya ilaaahh
7. Ngga kenapa-kenapa
8. Hai

17) 8 books I've read recently:
1. Ces't La Vie
2. Kambing Jantan
3. Bible
4. Buku rohani yang gw lupa judulnya
5. Setiap wanita
6. Perekonomian Indonesia (mau ngga mau kudu mau)
7. Where is God when it hurts
8. Great blue yonder

18) 8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
1. I'll move on
2. Ijinkanlah
3. All things new-nya TW
4. Hanya Kau
5. Eien no Ai
6. Kaulah Harapan
7. Erat dengan hatiMU
8. Hati Hamba

19) 8 things I learned last year:
1. The first thing you must to do is just LISTEN
2. It doesn't matter how hurt it was, it will pass
3. About the time i've own and the time i've lost
4. Love is not as horrible as i think before
5. East or west home is the best
6. Patient a little bit will not kill you
7. Put all your worries in His hand and He'll open the way for you.
8. Chiki ball rasa kaldu ayam tidak dijual di Pontianak. *sigh*

Selesaiii dan buat Ankga, tag itu udah gw kerjain pada post yang ini makasih banyak ya Ga senyum
Makasih buat semuanya, yang masih inget buat nge-tag gw. Mungkin beberapa saat ini *ceileh bahasa gw bikin lumpur lapindo makin tinggi aje* gw ngga bisa lagi ngerjain tag dari elo pada hiks..hiks... soalnya gw mau konsen ke laporan keuangan gw dulu..
Last but not least, met idul fitri buat yang ngerayainnya
God Bless All senyum


15 komentar:

Henry Mandiri mengatakan...

"If someone doesn't like you, it's usually because...? because i'm cute"

What ?!!
Then "If someone like you, it's usually because...?" because i'm cute..

Then "If someone hate you, it's usually because...?" because i'm cute..

Then "If someone hit you, it's usually because...?" because i'm cute..

Then "If someone hug you, it's usually because...?" because i'm cute..

hel yeah... i know all ur answered ^.^

Ika Devita Susanti mengatakan...

wakakakkaka.. i paling suka ama emoticonnya.....bisa matching lo ama jawabannya:D:D

jUnE0u mengatakan...

bagian mnnya Tha?
i haven't seing yet?!
did u visit my blog too or not huh..;[

Badrul. R mengatakan...

wah iya judulnya gak nyambung,
tp kalo mau dinyambung2ngin sih bisa aja..

sepasang mata bola yang membaca tag2 orang :) hehehe

met idul fitri :)

Presyl mengatakan... tag semua..
laporan keuangan nari2 depan lo??
sabar ya bu.. kayanya beberapa bulan ke depan gw bakal mirip kaya lo deh..

Anonim mengatakan...

semangat ya Tha ngerjain laporannya!hihi.. gimana ni liburannya? :)

Anonim mengatakan...

sampe lembur nih pasti

Anonim mengatakan...

>>Kissed someone in the last twenty four hours? Ha.Ha.Ha. mau tauu aja

iya ya ta.. mau tau aja yah... :">
hihihih... ah tata.. jadi malu nih.. ahh tataaaa...



Anonim mengatakan...

komen apa ya?

hmm..liburannya gimana Tha???

kok hiatus?

Anonim mengatakan... apaaa? udah lama ga ke sini.. liburan kemana aja neh??

Judith mengatakan...

Panjang amat nih Tag-nya :D Tambah semangat ya Tha .. GBU

Anonim mengatakan...

isinya Tag semua nee....

c p d

Anonim mengatakan...

@ Henry : that's the point hen, you've got it hahaha..

@ Icha : hihihihi.. iya yah

@ Ankga : i do.. ntar gw kunjungin lagi deee ;)

@ Badrul : kreatip lo hakhakhakhak..

@ Presy : welcome to our world pres hahahaha...*ketawa setan mode on*

@ Elmo : liburan keujanan el huhu

@ Wempi : yep, ampe dibawa kerumah noh

@ Anung : aaaa...tidak membahas tentang itu yah

@ Monyet gaul : iya nih, kemaren lagi banyak kerjaan :)

@ Fun : iya nih, udah lama fun ngga mampir :D

@ Judith : thanks mami :)

ARA mengatakan...

pinjem dong kambingjantannya....

Anonim mengatakan...

yah itu juga minjem ra