Shock dan ngga percaya si Hannah ngasi lagi tag yang panjangnya ajubile..
Maaph teman-teman kalo gw udah buat lo pada katarak dengan postingan gw, tapi karena gw sekalian ngerjain pe-er.. ini dia pe-er satu lagi dari Hannah. Koreksi ya cing...
What are you wearing right now? Roh lipat-lipat warna pink sama kemeja putih
What is right next to you? My boss

What was the last thing you ate? Nasi Padang yang ditraktir sama temen kantor gw. Ahh..gratisan selalu terasa lebih menyenangkan 
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? hmm.. pengen ketempat yang ada auroranya
How is the weather right now? Cloudy
What did you do last night? ke gereja sama Guinness
Who is the person you talk to the most on the phone? Guinness of course
How are you today? dua kata. SAKIT PERUT
Height? 160an kayaknya. Tepatnya ngga tau

Do you wear contacts? Nope
Do you have siblings? If yes, how many? iyah..ada tiga
What’s the best advice that’s been given to you? mengasihi orang yang mengasihi eta itu biasa, tapi mengasihi orang yang jahat sama eta itu baru namanya luar biasa --> huhu..thanks kakak, u r my spirit *muach..muach buat kak yana*
How do you see yourself in 5 years from now? haihaihaihaihai... yang jelas gw tetep imut *gubraaakkksss!!*
What are your goals right now? pengen cepet lulus kuliah
Who are the funniest people you know? Jim Carrey
Are you too shy to ask someone out? may be a bit
If you could change your name what would it be? still eta no need to change it

Worst sickness you ever had?

gw sehat mah..sehat guweee
What is your first daughter’s name going to be? Langit. Moga-moga aja dia suka
What is your first son’s name going to be? Sydney sounds good
Do you like scary or happy movies better? Happy
Lust or love? Love
Hugs or kisses? Hug
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? Gw..gag mau cengeng
Who is the fastest to respond to your tags? umm...sebenarnya aku ngga pernah perhatiin sih. Gw pan sabar *kemudian gw dirajam massa*
Your Location? Ponti
Do you care about the way you look? Ho oh
Do you like to give advice? Ngga. Karena gw ngga bijak
Are you a daydreamer? No.
Are you an angel? No i'm not
Memory you would like to forget? kebodohan-kebodohan kecil yang sering gw lakuin dan buat gw malu sendiri. PErnah ngga sih kawand?
Shampoo: Pantene
Toothpaste: Pepsodent
Flower: White Lily
Color: Pink
Band: emm... ummm... apa ajalah. Yang lagunya pas ditelinga gw

Singer: Ngga pernah suka sama penyanyi tertentu sih gw
Cartoon when you were a kid: Cinderella sama konconya si snow white
Disney movie: Enchanted
Last time you cried: tadi, gara-garanya kaki gw kejepit pintu

Last time you laughed: Sekarang, soalnya gw berasa agag ngehe ngerjain tag sebanyak ini

Last movie you saw at the theaters: lupa gw...
Last movie you rented: Yeye de cia kalo diterjemahin judulnya Granpa's House
Last CD bought: Ngga ada selama ini gw minta

Next CD to buy: Ngga pernah dengerin CD lagi..soalnya gw ngga sempet T_T
Tomorrow’s Agenda: Biasa mah gw kerja-pulang-kuliah-molor.
Ironic thing: Gw orang yang sensitif tapi hal yang paling sering gw ucapin adalah "i don't care"
Favorite Actress: Hillary Duff
Favorite Actor: Jim Carrey
Favorite male singer: Richard Marx still da best
Favorite Female Singer: Mariah Carey asal dia ngga lagi jejeritan
Favorite song at the moment: Zakheus orang pendek kecil betul ia....judulnya apa yak? lauraaa..ini judulnya apa sih?
Worst song right now: Puspa karena sering dinyanyiin Nie dan bikin kuping sakit
Song with the most meaning: Yesus kasih padaku
Longest Relationship: ...9... not tell you

Best Relationship: current one
Worst Relationship: Ngga ada. Selalu ada yang dipelajari dari sana. Never say it the worst because you ever love him. Remember. *sok tuaaaaaaaa*
Person who makes you smile: That stupid bassist
Person who makes you wanna puke: Rhomah Iramah
Person you admire: Tidak pernah mengagumi hahahaha..jahat kali gw
Favorite person at work: Boss gw
Crush: apaan tuh crush?
If you could meet one person dead or alive: Sape ye?
ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only)
Boxers or briefs: ha???
Tall or short: Taller than me
Six pack or muscular arms: six pack, muscular arm is horrible
Good or bad guy: Good one is better
Tan or fair: Kagak jadi masalah buat gw. Asal elu cinte
Stubble or neatly shaved: Neatly shaved
Rugged or sporty: sporty 
Studly or cutie: Studly
Shy or outgoing: Outgoing
Cute n’mysterious or wild n’sexy:
Dressy or casual:
Long or short hair:
Long or short nails:
Good or bad girl:
Fat or thin:
Hair up or down:
Tall or short:
Curly or straight hair:
Pants or dress:
Tan or fair:
Pretty indoor chick or party chick:
Shy or outgoing:
Say hi to everyone who really matters to you: hey yeah

Kelaaarrrr... thanks ya semuanya yang udah rela berkorban buat mbaca ini Tags yang sepanjang uler naga..
Next tags ini beserta tags dan award dibawah gw limpahkan semuanya ke --->
Laura Selamat berjuang beybeh. MERDEKAA!!!

6 komentar:
beneran ikutan mencretz bacanya Tha :D bilang juga ape..
wakakakakkakka.... pantesan mencret..wakakakka
sekarang icha tau alasannya
Huahahaha.. ular naga panjangnya..
Waktu gw kasih tagnya ke elo org, gw ketik pesannya sambil ketawa2..
PS: Ga apalah.. ntar bulan depan kita maap2an yaaaa :-)
ketupatnya jangan lupa han :D
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