I've get this tag from this cute girls and i think she'll kill me as soon as possible if i do not answer this tag, but actually i don't like talking about true love. So here we go...
The Rules :
*Copy the question and answer them honestly!
1. What does true love mean to you?
sharing all the feelings you ever had in your life. No cheat, no lie, just trust each other.
2. How do you know you really in love?
Uhm..i hate this question, coz till now i never know did i ever fall in love
But may be when i want to see him everyday
Know that he is alright makes me feel better
When other peoples said that he is not good enough, i still feel he is the best (Weleh..weleh...faraday banget
3. How many times in your life have you fallen in love?
whewww..i dunno
4. Have you ever fallen out of true love because you were mad at the moment?
no. Because i never know if he is my true love or not (yihaaa...)
5. Do you feel love and physical attraction are the same thing?
No. They are different but sometimes they complete each other
6. If your true love became ill or disfigured, would you continue to love them the same way?
I think yes, because if it is true love, you will love him just the way he is. (But when i saying this, i didn't be in that position.so.... )
7. Should anyone else be able to tell you who to love or not love?
No. Because the one that loving is me, not them. They can give me advices but the rest is up to me (Halah..mampus kalo kebaca emak gw)
8. Do you believe people that ended up divorced were ever truly in love?
NO. Once again NO. Because true love doesn't hurt
9. Would you give up something you want for someone you love?
If that is realy realy useful for him. Of course yes (sok bijak mode=on)
10. If you truly love someone, do you feel it should be unconditional?
Yup it should be. But sometimes this word doesn't work for other condition, other place, other time (hihihi...)
Omigod thanks God at last i've finished this all stupid questions (hahaha...just kidding cha). Now i tagging mey, anung, and christian.
Enjoy it guys
2 komentar:
wow, singkat dan langsung nancep :D
chaaaa...jangan pernah kau kirimkan lagi tag semacam ini..give up deh
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